Sunday, October 7, 2012

Rubber Face (1983)

Release date: 1983 (initial release) 
Directors: Rebecca Yates, Glen Salzman 
DVD release date: January 23, 2007 
MPAA rating: PG Running time: 55 minutes 
Cast: Jim Carrey, Adah Glassbourg

The film is the story of a depressed teen struggling for acceptance. High school student Janet Taylor (Adah Glassbourg) feels she has to be the class clown in order to gain the acceptance of her peers. Only through her writing does she reveal her true feelings--that she fears people won't like her as she truly is. For a school essay on "Why People Laugh," Janet visits a comedy club, where she meets dishwasher and aspiring comedian Tony Marone (Jim Carrey). Tony's act is a dud, but he still plans to enter the club's upcoming Battle of the Buffoons contest. 

 Janet writes some new material for Tony and coaches him on his delivery. Meanwhile, Tony tries to help Janet overcome her lack of self-confidence. He urges Janet to be herself rather than putting on an act. The night of the contest, Tony feigns laryngitis and convinces Janet to take his place on stage. Janet gets off to a shaky start, but eventually overcomes her fears and wins over the audience.

I just watched this movie last night and I must say that I really enjoyed the film. Simply because I could relate to the caractors, growing up myself I've had self esteam  issues all through High School. I would definently recomend thiis to anyone who likes 80's Commedy. This film had a great story and a great ending. On a scale of 1-5 i give this film a 5.

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